How To Generate Integrated Address

What is an Integrated Address?
An Integrated Address is a Stealth Address with a Payment ID embedded into it. It is 110 characters vs 99 characters of a regular Stealth Address. You can use it to receive to your Master Account, while providing the Sender with a different address. This can be useful for one-time use or addresses that you would like to re-use for the same purpose. You can check the Payment ID in the Transaction Details.

QT Wallet

  1. Launch QT Wallet
  2. Go to “Receive” tab
  3. Click the “+” icon
  4. This will copy the Integrated Address with the Payment ID to your clipboard.
  5. Use this address instead of your Master Account to receive on and it will still go to your Master Account.


  1. Launch Daemon
  2. Enter in the following command in terminal: prcycoin-cli generateintegratedaddress
  3. You will receive an Integrated Address with the Payment ID.
  4. Use this address instead of your Master Account to receive on and it will still go to your Master Account.