PRCY Toolkit
PRCY Toolkit is an advanced GUI tool to keep track of your Daemons like QT-Wallet, Masternode(s) and Staker(s).
It is written in Java and supported by Windows, Linux, Raspberry PI and Mac.
Features include:
- Watch over your Daemons like QT-Wallet, Masternode and Stakers.
- Test for Connections and add Connections when you have less than 3.
- Test for blockcount and E-mail if the difference is more than 20 from the Explorer
- Clear banned nodes automatically
- Easily bootstrap your daemons (QT-Wallet)
- Run POA for Windows and Linux
- Watch live Debug information
- Start/Stop Daemons (QT-Wallet, only Stop)
- Edit prcycoin.conf and masternode.conf.
Note: To get e-mail messages you have to use a working SMTP Server.
Installation Instructions per OS included in the .pdf attached to download.
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Below you will find the most recent version of PRCY-Toolkit.
For updates, please subscribe to the PRCY-Toolkit channel.
Latest Stable Version 5.1.6