Maximizing Staking Revenue

Staking is based on a per UTXO basis.

Using an example of 25,000 PRCY, there are a few methods to maximize your Staking revenue:
For all methods, it is recommended to add the following to your prcycoin.conf file to avoid undoing the process:

Method 1 (Desktop Wallet)
1. Ensure that your wallet is fully synced and unlocked
2. Retrieve your Wallet Address from the Receive tab
3. Open the Debug Console (F1 shortcut or Tools > Debug Console)
4. Send 2500 PRCY to yourself 10 times by entering sendtostealthaddress YourAddress 2500 true
5. Restart the wallet
6. Enable Staking – setgenerate true 1

Method 2 (Daemon)
1. Ensure that your wallet is fully synced with prcycoin-cli getinfo
2. Ensure that your wallet is unlocked with prcycoin-cli unlockwallet YourPassword 0
3. Retrieve your Wallet Address with prcycoin-cli showstealthaddress
4. Send 2500 PRCY to yourself 10 times with prcycoin-cli sendtostealthaddress YourAddress 2500 true
5. Restart the daemon
6. Enable Staking – prcycoin-cli setgenerate true 1

Method 3 (Web Wallet)
1. Head to
2. Enter your 24 word Seed Phrase
3. Retrieve your Wallet Address
4. Send 2500 PRCY to yourself 10 times
5. Enable Staking on the PC – setgenerate true 1