March 3, 2022 New PRivaCY Dex Listings Dear #PRCY Family, With the recent events with world banks, we are realizing the value to convert “stable coins” to...
February 23, 2022 Wrapped PRivaCY Listed on Incognito Dear #PRivaCY Family, We have some nice updates in regards to our listings/pools on the Incognito app on iOS and...
February 22, 2022 Xeggex Updates Dear #PRCY Family, We have some nice updates in regards to our Xeggex listing. First, thanks to Karl, our users...
February 8, 2022 PRivaCY Coin now listed on XeggeX Dear #PRivaCY Family. Hereby we announce our listing on Xeggex PRCY – BTC PRCY – USDT About Xeggex, a brand...
January 25, 2022 PRivaCY Coin goes Incognito Dear #PRivaCY Family, Wrapped PRCY (bPRCY) can now be shielded/unshielded on Incognito privacy DEX (pDEX). What does this mean?BSC Tokens...
December 23, 2021 PrivacyDex Update for WXEQ Dear PRCY Family, Effective immediately we have decided to delist wrapped WXEQ Equilibria in our reason, the Equilibria ð©bridge...
December 21, 2021 PRivaCY Coin Birthday Retention Plan Dear PRivaCY Family, Whoever has a birthday treats his guests, ððð𥳠so we also try to achieve a nice end...
November 8, 2021 Wrapped PRCY on Polygon (pPRCY) Listed on Dear #PRCY Family The quartet is complete ð Wrapped #PRCY on the Polygon blockchain (pPRCY) is now listed on the...
November 4, 2021 3rd QT 2021 Financial Report Dear #PRivaCY Family, Financial Report Q3 First we would like to provide our apologies for the delay, the main reason...