Dear PRCY community
We are proud to present our retention plan (formerly called contingency plan)
We believe we have found the best solution of all scenarios that the team talked about. Our intention is to have the best and most loyal community. We have experienced a lot of members, former or currently, being part of DAPS project as the most lively community ever. We would like to keep this family together and reward them with the first airdrop and adopt them to the PRCY family. We feel honored if they become our most loyal PRCY investors. To be clear, we have decided not to do a swap.
EXPIRED – Onetime-off community reward:
To keep it simple we have made a snapshot of the Telegram PRCY Coin Official and recorded the members. The snapshot date was 23 December 2020 EOD CET. These members will get a retention reward (aka airdrop) as we consider them the early birds of PRCY, our hardcore community. This first reward is to kick-start that hardcore PRCY community to participate in our retention plan, which contains more growth.
The size of the first reward is 4% of the retention plan, meaning 480.000 PRCY coins. These coins will be equally split between the recorded members. (Team of PRCY and Telegram alts in community at snapshot date 23 December 2020 are excluded).
How to collect your onetime-off community reward?
Two things we need from you:
Telegram handle/aliasPRCY wallet address (not exchange wallet address)
We will distribute the onetime-off reward when above information is collected.
Retention plan
We have made a plan to reward each participating PRCY member once we have reached a growth milestone at the last day of the month. The milestone growth number for 2021 is X sats each month. We will update this number each year.
January 2021: listing price + X sats
February 2021: listing price + (2 * X sats)
March 2021: listing price + (3 * X sats)
Each time the growth milestone is reached you can collect your retention plan reward. (The listing price is not set yet, We will publish this amount once known).
How to collect your retention plan reward?
Below actions we ask you to do:
- Look for the telegram retention plan bot and answer the questions
- Share your Telegram handle
- Share your PRCY wallet address (no exchange wallet address)
- Send over 5,000 (5 thousand) PRCY coins to show you are a PRCY investor
- Send the TX ID of transaction towards our retention reward wallet
- Wait for your 5,000 (5 thousand) PRCY coins + retention reward back
On the first day of the following month, Team of PRCY will report in the update channel if growth milestone is reached, please wait for that news. You can start sharing the required information and send in the PRCY coins when the milestone is reached and confirmed by the PRCY team in the update channel. After verifying you as a PRCY investor that is eligible for the retention reward, we will return your 5,000 plus retention reward as soon as possible after the collection window. We do this with our best intentions, in order to verify you are actually a PRCY investor.
We would like to build a relationship based on trust with our community, and openness about our actions. If you have any doubts to collect your retention award like this, we would like to advise you not to participate. Rather start to verify with other community members who did and shared their experience and after feeling comfortable, participate the month after.
The window to send in your coins are always the first 3 days of each month. The window to collect your retention reward is short, because we do not want to keep you waiting. Do not be late, we will not extend the window.
We have the right to change the terms any time, but it will always be communicated well ahead.
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